Thursday, May 15, 2008

Snap for the Kids!

Today, the Supreme Court of California made a landmark decision and legalized same sex marriage in the state of California. I am thrilled! I have been a cheerleader for same sex marriages waving my pom poms all around spreading my opinion about LGBTQ rights since forever. I have always been quite opinionated about this topic; I could never understand why marriage should be restricted to a union between a man and a woman? The terms man and woman are entirely fluid anyhow. . .we have to look outside of the box and realize that duality is NOT the only way. . .to every extreme, there is a gray area, we must always remember that. A lot of people choose not to categorize themselves within the boxes, and for these people, I am thankful. . .they rock my world, and for them I cheer!

It is only legitimate for two consenting adults who are dedicated to one another to have the right to solidify their relationship by taking vows of marriage. This is a beautiful day in history and many people's lives will change as a result of this decision. Years from now, hopefully the LGBTQ community will no longer face as much discrimination and judgement from this heterosexist society. A heterosexist society is one that assumes that ALL peoples are heterosexual, thus placing a strange, eerie label on people who do not live under the heterosexual "standard." (exmaple, the ridiculous saying "No Homo,". . .ugh.) I honestly feel like the majority of people are not entirely heterosexual anywayz. . .its not all in the actions of people, but also their innermost desires, thoughts, ect. (check out the kinsey scale: Human beings as a whole are individually beautiful. . .and being attracted to beauty is natural. . .and should not be confused with anything bizarre or weird. I am aware that many religions look down upon alternate sexual identities and practices, but there are tons of people who follow their religions and live miserable lives or double lives. . .and the sense in that is. . .????

Of course acceptance takes time. . .but this is a wonderful beginning and hopefully California sets a precedent for other states.

C'mon everyone & Snap for the Kids!



NONYÉis2nd2None said...

I'm Very Greatful for this as Well. I myself have been waiting for this since 199forever! also I thought I was the only person who HATED the phrase "no homo".
EXCELLENT observation/piece, well written.. I love it!

Amina Iman Jahi said...

Yes! this was such a wonderful day in history! I love being able to be here and write about history in the making! And as for the "no homo" OMG. . .i despise it! Thanks for reading! ♥