platitude |ˈplatiˌt(y)oōd|
a remark or statement, esp. one with a moral content, that has been used too often to be interesting or thoughtful : she began uttering liberal platitudes.
• the quality of being dull, ordinary, or trite : educators willing to violate the bounds of platitude.
platitudinize |ˌplatiˈt(y)oōdnˌīz| verb
platitudinous |ˌplatiˈt(y)oōdn-əs| adjective
ORIGIN early 19th cent.: from French, from plat ‘flat.’
the dream & mariah.

my love - the dream ft mariah carey
Rodrigo Otazu
...his work encompasses myriad influences from architecture, music, travel, fashion and the arts, thus creating an essential vital energy from where Rodrigo clearly draws his passions and inspiration to craft highly original creations of stunning style...

for your listening pleasure
the bird and the bee- "ray guns are not just the future"
my 2 favorite songs are: "birthday" & "polite dance song"

Koo {japanese restaurant}
Neighborhood: Inner Sunset, San Francisco
408 Irving St
(between 5th Ave & 6th Ave)
San Francisco, CA 94122
(415) 731-7077

mesh basket sandals
designed for stella mccartney
spring 2009 collection

nots. . .
im not so sure about detriot and their men's hair styles. . .

{written by me in regards to my esoteric and apparent inspiration}: surpassing the incertitude, we sat and settled in a new position, protecting ourselves from the distractions down below; revamping into us; under my cashmere shawl.
stay tuned. . .
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