Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Today: 24 september 2008

Word: Idiosyncrasy (ih dee uh sihn kruh see)
:::noun:::meaning:::peculiarity of temperament, eccentricity:::

example usage: His numerous idiosyncrasies included a fondness for wearing bright green shoes with mauve socks.

Song: "Complicated," by Robin Thicke

Beaux Tip: Get yourself some amazing tweezers.
When choosing tweezers, choose flat ones with a slanted edge
Tweezers that close tightly from both sides and have plenty of tension & spring
Tweezerman makes fabulous tweezers with all of the above attributes.

Shoe: Button Detail Boots
Designed for Fendi, Fall/Winter 2008 Collection

Video: Although they are a bit harsh on Paris, this is a good clip.
Will you tune in for her new reality show?

Place: The Terrace Room
Lake Merritt Hotel
Oakland, CA

1 comment:

Unknown said...

sexy boots.....Paris...your time is about up boo...lets get a hobby or job or something....not hatin just sayin!