Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Please Be Aware!

Today this disturbing video was brought to my attention:

Ok. . .so, first and foremost, this man personifies ignorance, nefariousness and despondence. In order to follow and attempt to comprehend his current state of mind; we must look at themes which create such repulsive individuals. Clearly, he suffers from some sort of mental defect which allows him to rationalize his actions; and furthermore he is an example of an individual who has allowed the disenfranchisement of the Black man in history act as an excuse to go on this murderous rampage. It is true that Black men have experienced a great deal of discrimination in history beginning with emasculation during slavery and the continued blatant lack of respect and institutional hinderance to succeed; however there is absolutely NO EXCUSE for his vile actions.

Watching him brag about spreading AIDS is utterly disgusting and unquestionably disturbing; however there is a somewhat positive ramification in his airing his actions. We do need to be aware of people like him, I am convinced that he is not the only person with such malicious intentions. AIDS and other Sexually Transmitted Infections are being spread like at mind blowing rates and we need to place maximum protection on ourselves, everyone included. With the progression of the safe sex movement since the AIDS and Hepatitis C pandemic, there are tons of ways to still have enjoyable, yet SAFE SEX. I would like to stress that safe sex can be eroticized and should be practiced EVERYTIME!

I definitely disagree with his labeling of women as "hoes," because I feel that a human being has the right to express himself/herself in any way he/she pleases for whichever reason works for them, I do not believe in judging people for their sexual expressions and desires; however, it is important to protect yourself, no matter if you have had 20+ partners or just simply 1 or 2, as we see with one of the young women he read from his list, it only takes one time to change your life forever.

One final closing comment is that I would also like to encourage everyone to go out and get tested for the HIV/AIDS virus and also Hepatitis C. Search google for the free testing sites in your area. There are a ton of people who are not aware of their status and continue to to have unprotected sex with other people, and remain untreated. In today's society, there are a lot of advancements in treatment and the earlier the better to begin treatment.

I wish everyone the absolute best!



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